Online Economics Olympiad for university students
Online Economics Olympiad for university students was held at International University for the Humanities and Development at 25-26.12. 2020.
The Olympiad is organized by International University for the Humanities and Development in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
The official language of the Olympiad was English and Turkmen.
The Olympiad held among university students of Turkmenistan who are interested in Economics.
From Universities of Turkmenistan participated also students from International University for the Humanities and Development, Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, Turkmen State Institute of Finance, Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan, International Oil and Gas University, Turkmen State institute of Architecture and Construction, Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, The Institute of engineering-technical and transport communications of Turkmenistan, Turkmen Agricultural University Named after S.A.Niyazov, Turkmen State Institute of Culture, Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Turkmen Agricultural Institute and The State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan.