International Olympiad in Financial Security

International Olympiad in Financial Security

From 3rd to 9th October, 2021 students of IUHD participated International Olympiad in Financial Security. Olympiad was organized by Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation. The official language of the Olympiad was Russian.

The Olympiad was different categories: Economics, finance and credit, economic security; Jurisprudence; Information security  and International relations.

3rd year student of International Economics and Management faculty Aymaral Yazmyradova was winner in category "Economics, finance and credit, economic security". 
3rd year student of International Law and International Relations faculty Dovlet Gurbanov was winner in category "Jurisprudence". 

As member of  National Team of Turkmenistan participated also students from  Magtymguly Turkmen State University,  Turkmen State Institute Economics and Management, Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.Niyazov, Turkmen Agricultural Institute and The State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan. 

Official results can be found here