1st International Internet Olympiad in English

1st International Internet Olympiad in English

On 17th May students of IUHD participated 1st International Internet Olympiad in English which was organized by Dovletmamed Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages. 

3rd year student of  International Law and International Relations faculty Arazgeldi Durdyyev won first prize. 

3rd year student of  Social and Humanitarian Sciences faculty Parahat Halmanov won first prize. 

4th year student of  International Economics and management faculty Ruzanna Utkurova won second prize. 

2nd year student of  Social and Humanitarian Sciences faculty Ayshat Meredova won second prize. 

2nd year student of  International Law and International Relations faculty Mahri Durdymyradova won second prize. 

Students Language Learning Department  Abdyleziz Saryyev, Servi Nuryyeva  and Jemal Mammetgulyyeva won second prize

2nd year student of  International Law and International Relations faculty Gurbanmyrat Berdimyradov won third prize. 

2nd year student of  International Economics and management faculty Aygul Atayeva won third prize. 

2nd year student of  Information technology faculty Enejan Atayeva won third prize. 

Official results can be found here