“Engineer’s Club” of Information Technologies Faculty was established in
Present time
Extra study sessions such
as “Web programming”, “Computer Architecture” and
“Operating System” are available for members of
“Engineer’s Club”;
Week of Computers and exhibitions
are being held at the university by “Engineer’s Club”;
Members of Club are participating
at project competitions;
· “Engineer’s
Club” is offering study sessions at the university.
In future
Extra study sessions such
as “Robotics”, “Arduino”, “Networks”, “Mobile development”,
“IOS app development”, “AutoCad”
and “Adobe Illustrator” to be delivered by agenda
of the Club for future;
· Study
sessions on “Web programming” to
be offered for students of the university.
Preparation of projects for the
benefit of the university;
· To upbring
every single member of the “Engineer’s Club” as experienced and sharp experts
in the field;
Currently “Engineer’s Club” has more than 80 members.